Bound To Black

I feel like every single post I write starts with the same old apology of how sorry I am for missing yet another post and you guessed it, here it comes. I don't even have an excuse other than I'm the most lazy human being and school mentally and physically drains me.

I thought today I'd do a short post on an all year round trend that seems to be that tad more popular this autumn and winter in my wardrobe. Black. Never in a million years did I think that black would be a colour I would willingly gravitate to in fashion and home ware but I guess I am a changed person. 

This all started a few months ago when I was scrolling through the asos sale at around 2am (as we all do) that I stumbled upon this black jack and jones t shirt and couldn't let it go. Once it came in the post I immediately loved it and have yet to wear it without a compliment. Every time after this that I came across a primarily black t shirt I've 9 times out of 10 bought it.

My recent obsession hasn't just stopped at clothes, I've incorporated it into my room as well! Accidentally to start with. I ordered a cushion off H&M and when it came instead of being dark grey it came pretty close to black. And despite having not wanted black in my room I kept it and have now accumulated several more pieces to match it.

I know this was a random post but I had the idea and thought i'd document phases that i'm going through. I hope to have an outfit post coming soon so stay tuned for that. Also if you havent came directly from there can I ask if you'd check out my Instagram and maybe even give me a follow i'd appreciate it a lot.

Thanks for reading,

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